105 miles from Singapore
Approach from the west, either side of Pulau Lang, to anchor in 8-16 metres anywhere in the channel. This is the regional overnight spot providing good protection from north and south swells.
The tidal flow through the channel can run up to two knots on springs. Fishing boats often raft-up in heavy weather.
A half a dozen reasonable diving and snorkelling sites are within dinghy access of the anchorage.
Read more2 miles from Pulau Aur Channel
Anchor in 5 metres on a sandy bottom. There is a small sandy beach ashore and clear water for snorkelling during slack water at low tide.
Two miles southeast is Pulau Pinang at 2°26.381N, 104°33.058E with good diving on the northern side. There are three deeper-water ‘Pinnacle’ dives with moorings all within easy reach of south Pulau Aur.