SEAP Southeast Asia Pilot-1

Pan Daung (Dommel) Island

  • A


95 miles from Mergui Town (via Iron Passage)

ANAKENA BAY. 11°33.3N, 98°12.3E

A beautiful deep bay, with a gradual sloping sandy bottom. Good anchorage can be found in 6-8 metres on sand.

The beach is approximately one mile long. At the southern end is a tidal river that is ideal for kayaking and dinghy exploration trips. There is a thriving bird population and lots of wildlife here, including pythons and huge monitor lizards. Dommel also supports larger game including buffalo and wild boar.

  • B


6 miles from Anakena Bay

ANTARCTICA BAY. 11°38.687N, 98°13.825E

A beautiful anchorage off the northern of the three beaches in 15 metres on sand. This is another great area for wildlife enthusiasts with superb kayaking and jungle walking. The floating structures and the buildings ashore in the southwest bay of Dommel are a pearl farm which is off limits. Stay well clear of this and do not anchor anywhere near it.

  • C


12 miles from Anakena Bay

YANNEKEE BAY. 11° 27.101N, 98°12.816E

Another ideal anchorage for jungle walks, kayaking and wildlife viewing. Anchor in 5-7 metres on sand off a gently shelving beach. This is a great place for exploratory trips by dinghy.

The northern island group east of Dommel has spectacular limestone karsts similar to Phang Nga Bay in Thailand. If you look carefully you will find a lagoon hidden inside the island with access through caves that you can swim through.

Anchorage ‘C’ (opposite page), Kan Zar Gyi Boulder Beach - Photo by Paul Johnson
Anchorage ‘C’ (opposite page), Kan Zar Gyi Boulder Beach – Photo by Paul Johnson

See also:

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While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate, the charts of anchorages are based on personal experience and satellite imagery and are intended as a guide only. They should not be used for navigation. Please refer to Official Hydrographic Charts of the respective countries.

The copyright holders of all content, in print and digital editions, are: Published book © Phuket Publicity Services Ltd. Part. / Texts © Bill O’Leary, Andy Dowden & Grenville Fordham / Design, layout & charts © Grenville Fordham / Photography: © as indicated in photo credits. All rights reserved
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