This small island must rank amongst the most spectacular in the Andaman Islands. It is surrounded by an extensive coral reef with an incredible marine life – during a 10-minute snorkel in 2006 we counted over 50 turtles.
It is completely encircled by a great white soft sand beach and there is superb jungle walking here.
49 miles from Homfray Strait
Anchor in 12-15 metres on a sand bottom clear of the reef edge.
50 miles from Homfray Strait
Anchor in 15 metres on a sand bottom clear of the large coral bombies. The sand comes up very quickly from 25 metres. There is excellent snorkelling along the reef edge from this anchorage.
51 miles from Homfray Strait
Anchor in 10 metres on white sand taking care to avoid the large coral bombie in the middle of this bay. There is superb fishing and snorkelling around this anchorage.