Koh Tanga and Koh Chuku, halfway between Butang and Tarutao offer great snorkelling, diving and fishing. Well worth a visit en route to either destination.
58 miles from Koh Lanta Lighthouse
The best anchorage is found on the east or west coasts between the north and south Tangas, depending on wind direction and ground swell. Alternative daytime anchorage can be found at (C) 6°33.482N, 99°26.887E in deeper water in 15-20 metres off the southern end of Koh Tanga.
60 miles from Koh Lanta Lighthouse
Fantastic daytime anchorages anywhere around Koh Chuku on the sandy bottom. Watch out for rapidly rising reef on west coast. Limited moorings are available. Abundance of fish life and baby sharks make this a must stop for aquatic enthusiasts.
Koh Chuku is popular with day trippers from Koh Lipe for short photo-op visits, but there are no restaurants or other facilities here, so early morning, lunchtime and late afternoon you’ll probably have the place to yourself.