15 miles from Serendipity Beach
Anchor north of Ilot Sud (Koh Touch) off the Reef on the Beach and Long Set bungalow developments in 4-6 metres on a sandy bottom. Just west is the White Pearl hostel and white tent campgrounds. The main access jetty servicing Paradise and Treehouse bungalows, Koh Rong Backpackers and Rudy’s House are tucked in with the fishing village in the southwest of the bay. The High Point Rope Park is just south of the main jetty and reported to be tons of fun.
Ilot Sud has a footpath all the way around the island and is surrounded by a shallow reef. It’s one of the favourite diving and snorkelling daytrip destinations for charter boats from Sihanoukville. There are numerous bungalows and restaurants in this bay because of its close proximity to the mainland. Hitching a ferry ride back to Serendipity Beach is easy from here.
Heading northeast are three more good anchorages with bungalow developments tucked into small bays. Anchor just off the fringing reefs near each resorts’ piers. The northernmost bungalow resort has a huge statue of a grey monkey giving a thumbs-up. Anchor here off the jetty at 10°42.193N, 103°19.021E.