180 miles from Honiara
One of the most pleasant islands and anchorages in the Solomons. Charts for this anchorage are often inaccurate, so use caution when entering and do so only in daylight.
In 2017 there was a green lateral mark on the starboard side of the channel marking a reef. Once past the mark, proceed to the anchorage. Anchor in 40 metres. For smaller vessels with less chain proceed with caution from our anchorage on course 120°till you are in shallower water, just 20 metres off the village. Or ask a local to point out the best place to anchor.
The Solomon islanders are renowned for their wood carvings and the islanders of Santa Ana are no exception. There are some great local artisans who will canoe their wares right out to your boat so that you can buy for cash or trade.
When travelling to the Solomons, remember that the locals are always looking for tools, so a couple of spare tool sets make great items to trade with.