30 miles from Bao Dai Villa
Anchor in 7-10 metres on sand in the middle of this long powder-sand beach, which dominates the southern end of Van Phong Bay. The population of this peninsula has grown dramatically in recent years along with the nearby Hyundai Shipyards and fishing industries.
Toward the southern end of the beach is the Jungle Beach Resort and to the north of this, near the shallow rocky outcrop, is the large village of Dong Hai. The best landing is close to the long flight of steps, which lead up to the village main street, where there are several small supermarkets and frequent wet markets. The ice factory is easy to locate (follow a fisherman) as is a small Buddhist temple, whose monks seem happy to accept visitors. Leave some small change behind as tribute.
In the afternoons, the wind can blow strongly on shore and it may be prudent to move round to anchorage (P) to avoid being caught on a lee shore.
North of Dong Hai are the Paradise and Doc Let Resorts. Facilities ashore are good but the restaurants tend to close early in the evenings.